Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life sucks

Hmm, not been a good month, I've been fighting the joys of depression/SAD, so bad that I'm back on the antidepressants which kinda seems a backward step after 18 months off them, but I'd got to the not wanting to leave the house stage, which is not good. Plus I'm seeing a mental health worker for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to get some coping strategies for the panic attacks and the like.

It's been hard going with Tim being off his feet, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that his plaster cast will be off this thursday and he's started to drive this week too, which is fab.

Unfortunately I've also got the worst viral infection since glandular fever seven years ago. I haven't properly for days, I can't breathe, my throat feels like cut glass and my glands have been huge. Now poor Tim is going down with it poor man, so Caitlin has gone to the grandparents.

Oh and to add insult to injury I've an assignment to write by friday, when my head hasn't been straight for a week and I missed half the teaching because I couldn't cope.

Sorry to anyone who's emailed me, I've not read any, nor have I posted on any forums. Hopefully I'll get myself straight once my assignment is done. I just hope I can scrape a pass. Off to look at more stuff on OT assessment

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