Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Been to the Butterfly House today, Caitlin loves wandering around looking at the butterflies and finding the lizards that run about too. The body of this lizard is about 18" long, plus it's tail is almost twice as long again.

As well as the butterflies there's a small farm where she fed a goat and a lamb and a bird of prey centre. Today she held an owl for the first time, she told me that I had to take a picture of her with the owl for Daddy who was at work.

In other news I've almost strimmed all the weeds and grass at the lottie, one more trip with the strimmer should do it. Just cutting everything back makes it look so much better, just the edging for paths, masses of bark to shift, beds to dig for the autumn planting onions and garlic, oh and a shed to build, not much then :O Well it wouldn't be so bad if it would just stop raining for a while!

1 comment:

Cath said...

Hope you're well Emma and well done on passing your yr!