Friday, April 07, 2006

Days 10 and 11

Have been fighting a run of migraines last couple of days, so rather sapped my creativity, but manged to catch up a little so I'm only one day behind.

It was last day before the Easter break at uni today really ready for an Easter break even if I have got three assignments to complete in next three weeks. My options are all sorted for next term, so I'll be doing community OT, and young adults with neurological disability, so looking forward to that. Even better I get monday, wednesday and alternate thursday/friday at home, so plan to have Caitlin home on Mondays and have long weekend, really looking forward to spending more quality time with her, just the two of us. As much as I love university and know I'd be a basket case if I was still a SAHM I still miss having so little time with her, so long weekends wil be fab for may and june.


Dianne Rigdon said...

Sorry about your migraines - they can sap the fun out of anything. Glad you are getting some creating in and I love how each day is a new journey to something fabulous with each of your creations! Keep on keepin on!

Paula @ Blooms 'n' Spades said...

What beautiful pages!