Friday, November 03, 2006

I passed!!!

First driving test and I got 5 minor faults, so I'm now a holder of a full automatic licence. Tim contacted the insurance company and updated my details, so after lunch I'm off to scare Tim in the car. I figure after some lunch I might just have stopped bouncing and be safer in the car.


Tim Allen said...

We're back from our little jaunt in the car and I'm far from terrified. The world is as safe as it ever was. Emma's a safer driver than I am!

Anam_Kihaku said...

YEAH!!!! so chuffed for you :) told you you would rock it... so pleased... grinning here for you!

Kirsty Wiseman said...

emma im delighted for you sweetheart. just been reading your blog, im sorry you ahve had some rough times. they will go darling - you just have to be ready for that time xx