Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Showers

Well April has arrived and with it the showers, Caitlin and I were assembling one of these plastic plant houses for all the seedlings in the garden and one minute it was blue skies the next minute it was raining. While we were in the garden Tim was redoing a light fitting, getting rid of the horrible tacky faux gold one we inherited when we bought the house. One more little step to making it our own.

Later we were planting seeds, Caitlin loved filling all the seed trays with compost, even if she did get it everywhere. She proved remarkable adept at transplanting marigold seedlings with us too, each time she pulled one up we expected her to snap the stem, but she didn't damage one, not sure if the marigolds are remarkably resilient or she was being more gentle than it looked.

Later in the afternoon when the showers started again we made some easter cards while Tim cooked tea, she still loves anything crafty, just like her mother, I hope she keeps this interest as she gets older.

Have got my day 6 entry almost finished, but the diamond glaze is still drying, maybe tomorrow by the time it dries. Between Tim swearing at computers (his motherboard has overheated and died, so now trying to adapt the second machine) and me cursing at MM rubons the evening has just vanished.

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