Monday, May 08, 2006

Medical Update

Well the good news is that my blood tests and ECG are all normal, but the bad news my blood pressure is still too high. Because I'm under 40 it's very rare to just have high blood pressure, it's normally a secondary condition to something else. So I'm off to see consultant at hospital later this month for more specialist tests the GP can't run. In meantime I can start taking betablockers to start bringing it down, so hopefully less headaches and migraines soon, which has got to be good.

Got my essay sent off this morning, so feeling much happier, not sure if it's any good or if I'll pass, but at least I got something together to post off, just want to pass, don't care how high the pass is right now. At least with that done I can concentrate on my two modules for the rest of term.

Been asked by Caitlin's nursery staff if I'll take some jewellery up to sell as they love the ones I've been wearing. Think I'll have a go, but a bit daunting to make for others, it's one thing as a pressie, but feels bit odd making them specifically to sell.

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