Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Hmm perhaps not a good idea to have a 2 hour driving lesson on the second day of my placement. So tired and making stupid mistakes in lesson. I guess I am getting there slowly, I'm just impatient and want to be ready for my practical test now!

Placement is going ok so far, the team is nice, but I still feel like a fish out of water. Everything is very confusing and there's so many names and faces. It feels like there's so much to learn and so little time. Six weeks isn't very long which makes it even more important to find my feet quickly. My educator is very overworked due to another member of staff being on maternity leave and also has a new basic grade started the week before me. I may get to do my first initial interview with my educator tomorrow. I'm hoping to start doing more and be able to play a more active role soon and feel like I can contribute more.

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