Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rhonna Farrer - 21 day challenge

Completed my first days challenge (for details see here) I've decide as my overall theme for the 21 days to try and value myself and what I have. I have this fab scrapbook paper from Sweetwater which says celebrate where you came from, celebrate where you are and celebrate where you are going. At this point in my life it seems appropriate, It seems that everything has changed in the last few months with me going to university and Caitlin growing up, Tim's role at work developing and his growing responsibility. It's all positive stuff, but it's sometime easy to look at the negatives. So I'm going to spend next 21 days Celebrating what I have, a beautiful daughter, loving partner and opportunity to better myself.

First day was about goals, so took this quite literally, used the quote around the edge, background is a shabby princess digital paper.


Lilli in Vancouver said...

Very, very nice. Peaceful :)

Anonymous said...

That's lovely Emma!!